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spray chamber中文是什么意思

用"spray chamber"造句"spray chamber"怎么读"spray chamber" in a sentence


  • 喷淋室
  • 喷漆室
  • 喷室
  • 喷水段
  • 喷雾室
  • 气体喷洗室


  • Closed spray chamber
  • The experimental test equipment making use of the new type of the fluid - striking spray chamber designed by us
  • The heat recovery feasible standard of the double - spray chamber is heat recovery rates in the condition of certain the wind velocity and spray coefficient
  • From the heat and humidity ' s exchange principle between the air and the water in the spray chamber , utilizing the film theory , inducing the heat and humidity ' s exchange primary equations
  • Qualified heat recovery rate acquired from the merge equation ' s resolve in terms of the fortran program and the hvac - id graph in the course of the theory calculation . determining the experimental equations applying the ortho imitated experimental design on the basis of the simple spray chamber . the experimental date originated running double - spray chamber ' s entrance and exit air
    理论计算中通过编制的fortran程序求解组合方程组,并结合hvac - id图求得符合要求的热回收率,其间试验公式是在单喷水室的基础上采用一次正交回归试验设计得到,试验结果是通过对运行的双喷系统中的室内外空气进出口状态参数进行测定而得到。
  • Introducing the thermal performance calculation method called efficient factor method with the medium of the exchange coefficient on the base of the key factors which influencing the heat and humidity ' s exchange , the characters ordinary mathematics equations stem from the analysis the double spray chamber ' s thermal performance calculation identically utilizing efficient factor method , further the equations working as the core of the theory calculation and the utilization of the spray chamber ' s structure and the definition of the experimental equations , further introducing the double spray chamber ' s thermal performance calculation equations
    双喷系统热工计算同样采用效率系数法,进而在理论部分引出双喷系统热工计算方程式,这实质上就得到了本课题的核心部分? ?组合方程组,无论是理论计算还是喷水室结构类型的采用以及试验公式的确定均以此为核心,从而最终从理论计算、试验测定及节能性三方面论证了双喷水室热回收方案的可行性。
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